Chérie Luxury Femme,

Maybe you can relate to this:

You started your business because you want to help people, have the freedom and abundance to create your dream lifestyle, give back and make a difference…

You worked so hard…

  • You created a logo and website

  • You get active on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin etc

  • You spend hours creating tons of content daily

  • You spend 4-6 hours a day on social media trying to generate leads

  • You threw money into Facebook Ads

  • You post in other people’s FB groups to try to find clients


  • You rarely have anyone reach out to you on your website

  • The most common DM’s you received are the ones that are trying to sell you something

  • Your leads end up ghosting you

  • When you finally get some traction and people book your calls, but half of them are “no shows”; the others are saying “Let me think about it” or “I cannot afford you.”

  • You finally booked clients but working on your business feels heavy and overwhelming;

  • You are exhausted and starting to wonder “What is wrong with me”, “Is there another way…”

There’s nothing wrong with you, beautiful. It’s because of the old way of building your brand and business:

  • You don’t have a premium unique brand positioning and messaging that attracts high-end clients

  • You are not using a luxury model, but instead trying to sell low-ticket offers with a small audience

  • You are trying to replicate what you see other people doing in your industry

  • You avoid creating a high-end offer because you think people won’t pay the high-ticket price and it’s even harder to sell

  • You take lots of actions, spend hours and hours on Canva and posting on social media…  but without a luxury brand strategy

  • You are not fully embodying the luxury frequency as you are not confident about your brand's online presence

And yes, there is another way - the luxury way.


The one that attracts ideal high-quality clients like magnets through a luxury brand image, messaging and content. 

I choose the luxury way. Not only it feels much more expansive and soul-aligned but it is also much more enjoyable and sustainable.

There's a shift happening because of the burnout happening across the industry. There's a desire for more luxury, more freedom, more quiet and gentle way of doing business, without being chained to your business, without all the ‘sales funnel’.

The luxury way is not about simply creating a high-ticket offer and raising your prices. It is so much more than that.​​​​​​​

It means you step into your true genius zone to elevate, to create, to innovate, to lead, to shine, to change, and to leave your legacy. ​​​​​​​


The LUXURY Model is for those of you who desire to run a world-class brand by being who you truly are.​​​​​​​​​​​ It’s an elegant way to run a luxury brand for personal brands.

Here are a few ways how luxury branding has transformed my clients’ businesses:

- Stand out from the crowd in their market;

- Get clarity of their brand messaging;

- Premium brand positioning to sell their high-end products and services

- Attract their ideal high-end clients in a feminine and elegant way;

- Confidence in showing up;

- Authority, Recognition and credibility;

- Increased revenue and profits.

- More luxury, more freedom.​​​​​​​​

If you've struggled with manifesting the luxury you wanted for your business, and it's just been an inconsistent or overwhelming process for you, and you want to create a timeless luxury brand that attracts high-quality clients like magnet, then I invite you to join ICONIC - The Luxury Coach Mastermind. Not sure if it’s the right fit for you? Let’s chat.

To your luxury brand,