Chérie Luxury Femme,

I was talking to one of my beautiful clients, who came to me after being burnt out in the masculine way of building her brand and business. She is not the only one experienced that.

The one thing I've been noticing a lot of coaches teach a masculine way of building your brand and business. So I'm going to be honest, I think this is totally not sustainable for feminine souls. 

Now let me be clear, this is not to call out other people who are doing this are building their brand in a masculine way, I simply want to draw attention to the fact that there is another way.

A more feminine, gentle, soft and luxury approach to building your premium brand and business. 

The Masculine Way

The masculine way is like hunting and chasing. It doesn’t create trust and authority. It doesn’t create resonance. 

The masculine approach of building your brand and business via an old model of convincing, grasping, and manipulating, does not resonate with feminine souls who desire to build a sustainable soulful timeless elegant brand. And it certainly does not feel luxurious. 

The Feminine Way

The feminine way is like gardening and attracting. Just like when you build your beautiful garden full of blooming flowers, the bees naturally come. You are not forcing or convincing people into your work; instead, you create your authority and attraction through your brand positioning, image and content, and receive with your feminine energy.

It focuses on creating resonance through your luxury brand that draws the clients to you who are desiring what you are offering. It is based on feminine energetics because when we are in our feminine, we're naturally creating resonance and attracting through our energy, brand and content we put out there. 

This is something that I have totally committed to doing in my business, and it's made a world of difference in my business. 

  • I stopped sending cold DM's and prospecting.

  • I stopped convincing people why I am the best in what I do.

  • I stopped hustling for hours every day on social media.

  • I focus on building my luxury brand and attraction-based marketing methods.

  • I embody the luxury femme I am and connect energetically with my ideal client through practices like visualization and journaling.

  • I build my authority through my brand and create content that speaks directly to the empowered audience who desire what I offer and know the value in the investment.

  • I create options for clients to come right to me at their own time and buy from me when they're ready and trust the process

Since I started building a luxury brand that in this feminine, gentle, and quiet approach, premium clients come to me and seek me as the “go-to” luxury branding expert, because she has come to trust me at her pace, over time through my luxury brand exposures and experiences.

I attract. I call in. I receive. That’s it.

If you want to be able to build a premium brand that in a more feminine, gentle, and quiet approach without hustling for hours every day on social media, convincing and chasing, then it's time we have a chat, because this is exactly what help my client to do in my luxury brand coaching.

To your luxury brand,