ELVA LI Luxury Brand & Wealth Activator

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Activate the Wealth Codes in You

Chérie Luxury Femme,

You have probably been told as you are a kid “Don’t be greedy.”

This is a call to reject the limitation of “wanting more is greedy” and to embrace the full power of the more in you.

We're in the era of choosing ourselves.

We're in the era of being grateful and asking for more.

We're in the era of the audacity to stand up and embrace our true selves.

Here in our high-frequency luxury vortex, embracing who we are and what we want isn't just encouraged, it's celebrated. 

Here are the conversations this week in my Iconic Mastermind group chat:

“I just wanted to share that throughout the night, I thought of how this luxury container has brought out the best in me thus far. May we continue to uplift each other's energy and maintain the highest frequencies possible ✨🥂”

“wow ✨💎 it is an absolute pleasure and honor to be a part of this dynamic group of history-making women. Thank you SO much  for your consistent support and for holding the untethered space and capacity for each one of us. I am SO grateful for your presence in my life. 🤍✨💎”

“I think it's safe to say that all of our energy combined is making waves around the world. ”

"Thank you for amplifying our intentions and successes in this magnificent container"

"I celebrate all of us ladies with grace! Receiving the collective energy was amazing, I truly felt connected and supported by our group! "

It's time to unleash the wealth that resides within us and step boldly into our true power.

It's time to embrace our uniqueness and own our desires with pride.

It's time to stop seeking validation from others and start embracing who you truly are. 

When you tap into your inner wealth codes, you open up your awareness to a higher level and increase the capacity that holds all your heart desires.

You embody deeper into the soul of who you truly are, become who are always meant to be, and fully accept and allow it to manifest.

You become wealthy not only in money and clients but also in love, impact, legacy, fulfillment, in freedom, …. You attract abundance in all areas effortlessly and create the life of your dreams.

It first requires you to recognize the power to create wealth lies within you; to own your worth and embrace your authenticity; and to step into your true self and allow your essence to shine bright.Activating your abundance and wealth codes starts with aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with your highest potential. 
If you want to have 5 figure days your new normal, what you say and your energy and actions need to align. It’s about leading yourself first, honoring your commitments, creating confidence in your words, and trusting and aligning yourself first. 

And it's not about just doing or hustling or trying harder. It's also about aligning to your unique design and destiny codes, being in the state of feeling good, being in the feminine flow to receive. 

The more you show up as who you truly are, the more you share your expertise, perspective, and skills in a real, authentic way, and the deeper alignment you create in your brand and business. 

Building your brand and wealth then becomes so much fun. 

You can finally step off the hustle of masculine marketing, and step into the space of your soul work, allow your unique energy expression to magentise your luxury soul audience, and get paid to be You.

When you activate your wealth codes within you, you become a magnet for luxury success. 

You attract opportunities effortlessly and create abundance in every area of your life. 

You feel good in the most effortless beautiful way with your feminine energy.

You become wealthy in all the ways — from way more financial flow — to loving each and every minute of what you came to this planet to do.

Let's activate your wealth codes.

To your luxury brand,

Luxury Coach and Wealth Activator