Chérie Elle,

I want to share with you 3 transformative shifts that helped me up-levelling and making quantum leaps in my business this year, such as:  

  • Selling out my multi-5 figure offer “Haute Couture” Luxury Branding experience

  • Having my highest income month to date, and most profitable year yet

  • Working with the most soul-aligned high-level clients and co-creating with them just feels like luxuriating, easy and pure joy. 

  • Indulging in luxury holidays while maintaining a steady influx of income and clients into my business

So here are the 3 shifts...

Shift 1: From “Attention” to “Intention”

You can be doing all the right things. But if your energy is not aligned, you will be struggling to get what you want. Because people don't buy your program, features and benefits. Your energy speaks louder than words. They buy your energy. They buy your personal brand. They buy you. 

When we show up in our brand online presence in the energetic state of hoping to get “attention” and to be liked, we are in a disempowered status sabotaging our brand, visibility and impact. It’s like seeking outside for validation or permission of who you are. This is giving your power away. 

When I had my luxury femme audience in my mind and shifted my energetic state to “what’s my intention to show up online today/ write this post / create this reel…”,  I elevated myself into the status of being that powerful brand presence, being that magnetic, visible and impactful higher version of me. 

I decided that my message, content and presence is powerful and impactful and will reach the people it is meant to serve. I love sharing my message because I love it and I believe in it and it is here to serve. I take my power back and I know that I am the one who is magnetic. I am in my feminine energy that attracts what I desire effortlessly.

The results? My luxury femme audience loves my message, content, and presence. Because they love my energy and my work. They love to be offered the possibility to be in my space and work with me.

Shift 2: From “Consume” to “Create”

It doesn't matter how much inspiring content you watched, how many courses you enrolled, or how much coaching you get,  if you're not taking the action. 

I realised that there was a block for me in growth as I was being a perpetual consumer consuming other people’s content. I was seeking coaching containers to stay in the learning mode and unconsciously avoid actually doing the things that would get me results. I was seeking inspiring content to stay in the consuming mode and unconsciously avoid actually creating and showing up. 

So I shifted my energetic state from a perpetual “consumer” being inspired by other people’s content to a “creator” using the learnings I got to build my brand while at the same time enjoying growth and revolution over a lifetime. I chose mentors strategically who have achieved the results I desire while at the same time trusting myself and implementing during the entire container. I receive inspiration from others while at the same time actively showing up and creating my own success.

The results? I generated great value for my audience in my brand by being the “creator” rather than “consumer”. ie. valuable content, masterclass, events, etc., which translates into great demand for my high-level services.

Shift 3: From “Convince” to “Resonance”

The difference between where I was to where I am now — is a deep understanding of how to call in high-level clients through my brand. Those clients are ready to invest at a high level, ready to get results, and desire to work with me.

I am no longer in the energy to convince anyone. I create resonance instead. I decided to get clear on the energy of my soul-aligned high-level clients, what our soul-to-soul connection feels like, and what kind of divine co-creation journey we are mutually showing up for. And then I decided that's what I'm available for only. I became an energetic match to it. I create resonance through my brand messaging, content, image etc. I speak directly and only to the leaders who are the luxury femmes who desire to work with me. 

I am in the energy of knowing that there are always people who deeply resonate with my brand messaging, and content, who desire the exact transformation I offer and are wondering how they can work with me. They know I am the one for them, and I know they are my people. I know they are meant for this work now. I know that this work will benefit them massively for their brand and growth. I chose to make myself available only for aligned clients and aligned luxury co-creation and growth for us all.

The results? My aligned clients already decided they would work with me before they messaged me on IG or spoke to me on a call because they see me as the one for them through the resonance I created in my brand online presence and content. And they are the ones that get the best results out of their investment and out of our work.

So these are the 3 energetic shifts I made. Spaciousness, overflow and abundance become my way of creating and living my brand when I am aligned with the frequency of these. 

If you are ready to receive the spaciousness, overflow and abundance in your brand, here are some ways you can work with me in the remainder of 2023:

  • “De Luxe” Luxury Brand 90-day Coaching Container (only 1 spot left for bespoke upgrade)

  • “Iconic” - The Luxury Coach Mastermind (Super early bird enrolment is now open)

  • Crème de la Crèmee” 4-week Luxury Branding Program (you can join here for the new live round and we will start next week)

If you would like to learn more about which program suits you best, book a call below and let’s have a chat.

To your luxury brand,